Daniel Wong(Supervisor)

Have worked at Thomas Howell International(Now known as Crawford International),GAB Robins (Now known as Cunningham Lindsey). Having over 30years experience as a surveyor.

Shen Xin (Engineer)

Graduated from Shanghai Fudan University(majored in Economics). Senior economist. Registered Cost Engineer, Supervision Engineer, Construction evaluation expert in Shanghai.


Guo Ying

Graduated from Shanghai Second Industrial University(majored in Computer Management) From 1999, having received special allowances of Petrochemical expertise.


Xu Changmei (Senior Economist, Accountant)

Having over 20 years experience for underwriting and claims of property insurance. Author of “Business Interruption Insurance” ( The first book for Business Interruption Insurance in China).
Expert in dealing with property insurance claims and business interruption insurance claims.


Liao Lanmei(Lawyer)

Graduated from Fudan University (majored in law), proficient in insurance law, contract law and maritime law. Have worked with port and shipping enterprises, insurance companies and P&I club for more than 10 years.


Ma Defang (Senior Surveyor)

Graduated from Shanghai Martime and Transportable University (majored in marine electrical automation).Have worked at Shanghai Maritime Bureau, Zhonghai Cruise Company and Teamhead Surveyors Ltd. Expert in Ship Insurance Survey.

